Hi, I feel so inadequate, im in my first year of university (UK), I have been trying to program for 2 years before uni, but i made the decision to become a java developer, im not too bad at it, I understand OOP, threads, JDBC - trying to learn J2EE and other Java core API’s but I feel like everything i’ve learnt doesnt matter because all I read is books and watch video tutorials and I practise the same things over and over again but I dont feel like thats good enough for real junior dev jobs or at all to increase my skill. I enjoy reading code and learning it on tutorials and writing it out at the same time to understand the concept but I cant program without a real objective e.g. programs my uni asks me to do for my assignments, im not sure if you (viewer) get what I mean. Like if you work professionally, your boss gives you a task, I could do that with my boss asking me to do a task, but if I were to try and do something in my spare time I couldnt do anything except for learning more and practising stuff I already know.
im scared to fail in university especially at programming even though im not bad at it, im so desparate to become a software engineer/java developer, Im trying to learn so many other things (unit testing, apache maven, git, android dev, xml, javascript) so that i can meet what employers want when jobs are advertised.
all this trying to be this and that developer is so tiresome, im getting depressed from university because i’ve probably got 1 teacher there out of a few who is literally helping me, he has become a role model and I dont want him to think I dont know how to do this and that and look pathetic, he even offered me a place in a programming competition but im scared I may not be good enough against other teams or my team members.
I feel like I am a waste of time when I speak to my tutors at uni, I know they would rather do they’re own stuff than bother with me or pretend to have some care to look good for themselves and not help.
the course at my uni is good but the people, I havent made a friend at all, I already fit into that anti-social programmer type.
Im getting really worn down from exceptions when programming, I have to program a game report generator and I cant manage to catch exceptions and the instant terminations. I got the program working if i dont make an error but this is where im getting tired and demotivated because of errors and trying to patch them up.
My depression came from other personal issues, but this career choice adds to it with the pressure of trying to know your stuff. I really want to be a java developer, Ill still keep doing the same stuff and learning new technologies just I find it hard with what I said above.
Thanks if you can help or suggest or even relate to me.