Today I had my SAT test it was good not hard. After the test i called my friends they told me they are watching Barcelona and juventus. So i got there and watched the game (congrats to Barcelona). After the game my friends start talking about there GPA’s and they asked me how much did i scored and i told them i scored 89,i tell my friends the truth.
They said:what did your father think about it? I said: i didn’t tell him.
I felt bad, they said you should tell him and i should.
So i drove home and told my father, keep in mind weeks ago i convinced myself that i don’t care if he like it or not so i told him with no depression in me, but the look on his face when i told him.
He was disappointed in me i let him down i got more depressed then ever i wished that the earth wo split up and eat me i tried to tell him what my aunt said to me but he wouldn’t Listen to me.
He said: this is your life and you just screw it