No help needed thanks!

No help needed thanks!

As you are Canadian I would recommend you ask your doctor for a referral to a psychiatrist (not therapy and not psychologist) if you feel like you have MH issues, you need to get that sorted. It might also be important for a proper diagnoses to find someone who understands your culture.

Nobody here can give you a diagnoses, all we can do is give you advice based on our own experiences (which might or might not be relevant to your situation).

You mentioned your choice of religion is causing issues with your family and co-workers. It is important to listen to concerns of people who care about you. In my case, they are my first signal that something is wrong. Since you don’t mention your religion, I can’t know if it is something that can be beneficial or something that can be harmful (like a cult).

I’m not sure if what you described is “flow”; in my opinion it sounds like religious ecstasy.