Refer your psychiatrist or therapist

The best way to find a mental health professional is to get a referral. But referrals are hard to get because people don’t admit that they’re seeing a psych or therapist in the same way that they admit they’re seeing a dentist or doctor.

If you’ve worked with a therapist or psych who you would recommend, post them here.

Psychiatrist in Chicago
Dr. David Kaiser
Office at Wabash and Lake

Therapist in Chicago
John Harris
Office at North and Wells

I have a Skype Mental Health Counselor that was recommended to me by my best friend who suffers from social anxieties/OCD as well as depression. I’ve been dealing with my depression and my mother’s cancer, and this counselor is really really good. It’s definitely a great option for someone who wants to have an hour chat or so without being tied to a doctor’s office. However since she’s a counselor, she can’t prescribe medications but if you’re just looking to talk, sometimes that’s all some people need.

Integrity Counseling
Located in Florida but I skype from elsewhere.
My counselor is Tanya Bunch.
Locations here.

I believe if you’re in the Florida area, you can schedule in person appointments as well. They also have a Countryside and West Bay office. Hope it helps someone.

Psychiatrist in Dallas
Dr. Steve Tankersley
(214) 528-9240

Therapist in Dallas
Gail Chester, Ph.D.
(214) 373-6370

Therapist in Chicago
Robert Yata

Office at Michigan and Washington or at Belmont and Racine.

Erin Obradovich
^same office location

Probably anyone from Live Oak is great, I have worked with Erin and am working with Robert now and they have both been fantastic- they are empathetic and warm, but also offer great reframes of the situations I am going through and strategies to deal with situations. Live Oak is also LGBT friendly.

If you are on the fence about seeing a therapist, just go do it. It makes such a difference!

Copying in an email I got from a Developers and Depression reader regarding therapists in San Francisco:

Carol Lau, PhD, psychologist and psychoanalyst in San Francisco

Dr. Robin Cooper, psychiatrist in San Francisco

Beth Barmack, psychoanalyst in San Francisco
415 668-5677

I’ve been seeing Carol for nearly ten years—I was extremely lucky to have found her when I first started therapy. Robin is both trained both as a psychiatrist and psychologist; one of the only ones I know that specializes in both medicine and talk therapy. Beth is a couples counselor my partner and I have used. There’s a lot of unresolved stigma around couples therapy, but we consider it a key way to keep our relationship healthy and happy.

All three are fantastic and kind people. Can’t recommend them enough.

+1 on Erin and Live Oak. Had the opportunity to work with her at DevBootcamp Chicago. Fantastic people.