Surprised this isn't more populated?

I’m an alcoholic: when I drink, I lose control of my drinking/drug use…when I don’t drink, I need to. Eventually, needing to always wins and I wind up drinking again even though I know how THAT always works out. It took a spiritual experience to change that.

That spiritual experience began when I got sober in AA in 2012.

I’m happy to share my experience with alcoholism and recovery with anyone who is interested or could be helped by it.

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in what sense do you mean you’re surprised this isnt more populated?

i have an ongoing love/hate thing with alcohol, when I drink at home by myself it’s more for relaxation and I seem to keep better control over the quantities and my behavior… when it’s in a social setting, I don’t know if it’s because I’m somehow so excited by the socialization context but I go overboard easily and end up acting really nuts and if I don’t actually get into trouble I certainly take risks and regret a lot of it afterward; it looks to me a lot like a bipolar manic phase.